Category Archives: Copy

How to Write For Your Audience and Not Suck

How to Write for an Audience

Here’s the thing, I read a ton of content on social media, content strategy, community development, SEO and digital marketing. Well, let me rephrase that. I read a ton of shitty content on social media, content strategy, community development, SEO and digital marketing. More often than not, the articles I read which are blasted all over Linkedin and Twitter are hastily written drubs of content that serve the sole purpose of clicks and organic traffic without ever giving anything back. It’s awesome that your company has figured out that Google rewards your brand for fresh content but please, stop providing me with shitty lists on basic concepts that an ape could figure out.

What’s worse is most content is written for the sake of writing. Have you ever been reading a piece of content and halfway through you think to yourself, “man, this guy is full of shit”? It happens to me all the time. Too often content strategy strangles under a hardened content calendar instead of flourishing with good ideas and a centered message. Due to this, I am going to use this space to talk about how to write for a targeted audience and not suck while doing it.

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Greetings to you, lucky finder of this golden ticket!

My name is Brad Leibowitz. I am a writer.

Sometimes I write screenplays. Sometimes I write stories. More often than not, I write copy. Lots of it. For many different people. Sometimes companies hire me to write copy for them. I like when that happens.



I am writing this blog because most copy out there is, well, crap. Some of it is good. Some of it is great. Yet most of it, from bad Burger King ads, to horribly written movie voiceovers, is crap. I will use this blog to rewrite copy which I think needs rewriting along with writing new copy for various companies, ideas, platforms and whimseys. It has to be said: What you say matters. How you say it, matters. The words you use and more importantly the words you choose not to use, matter. Words have a large and lasting impact. Copy needs to reflect this reality.

For future notice, if you want to get in contact with me, feel free to find me on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin.

Otherwise, feel free to check the tabs above. “The Rules of Copywriting” will feature my thoughts on everything copywriting, “Content” will feature my copywriting portfolio and “Thoughts” will feature random musings on copywriting.


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